Monday, December 5, 2016

                              The 10 Keys to Personal Power

Key 1: Clarity
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life.  Have a sense of direction and know where you’re going.  If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."
 You should set a goal for yourself and have a vision about it. You should first know what it is that you want to do and once you know then you set your goal and you work hard for it.

Key 2: Competence
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get.
When you work hard new chances will always come your way, and the more harder you work the better you get at it. Competence is a very good way of getting new opportunities come your way also because you will see where your strengths and weaknesses are. 

Key 3: Concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything.
Concentrating is a very big thing. In order to complete tasks well you have to concentrate hard on them. You also need to put much of your time to complete the tasks.

Key 4: Common Sense

  • Train your mind 
  • Think things through
  • Listen to your intuition
  • Learn from setbacks 
Common sense is good sense and sound judgment in practical matters. Common sense is also about exercising your mid and 

Key 5: Creativity
" Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions.

Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening speaking etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day within 5 years, you'll be the best educated person in history.

Key 7:Consistency
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."

Key 8: Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."

"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."

For some people commitment is really important. For example some people commit themselves to try new stuff every once in a while. You can also commit yourself into trying to lose some weight in a certain amount days. When you commit yourself into something is because you know you will not turn around and quit. 

Key 9: Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

Courage is when a person has the ability to do something that frightens them. You need to unleash the courage inside you to try new things. 

Key 10: Confidence
" You only get confidence by doing things over again

Thursday, December 1, 2016

                                       Dr. Steven Covey
What Dr. Covey did was that in 1976 he started looking for the 7 habits. He also read a lot of old books and saw that hey all talked about trust,loyalty, respect, etc. Dr. Covey realized that people could be effective and could also build up there character and apply certain habits and become a better person to themselves and to others. 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

         The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first, it says, "I am the captain of my life, I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the drivers seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

  • People who are proactive make choices based on values and they are the values that are good in life. Proactive people also have conscience and it's very important because when they something wrong the guilt will make them regret it and feel sorry. If we didn't have conscience then we wouldn't have any remorse or regrets for what we do in life. Proactive people also envision new possibilities in life. This is why every time you get the chance to meet someone successful they are very ambitious. To be highly effective is to be proactive and that's where you set yourself to be a happy or unhappy person in life.

Habit 2: Begin with the end in Mind 
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)
"When you know where you intend to end up, you know where you are now."

  • To begin with the end in mind is to start each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction or destination. To incorporate habit 2 Into your life is to develop a personal mission statement. It will help you because it focuses on what you want to do and be. This will also be your plan for success. Now that you have a mission statement you will be the leader of your ow life. This habit is also about using your imagination because you are dreaming about what you'd like to be, and also dreaming about what you'd always wanted to do.
Habit 3: Put First Things First 
"Organize and execute around priorities." 
  • Put first things first means doing the most important things in life first. It also means putting your priorities and acting on them. If you do the un-important things first you might get tired after a while and might not even get to the important things. Your very first priority should be the hard work first so you may use all your energy on that instead of the no so important stuff. Your Family should also be one of your first things you put in front of you because you never know if you might get to see them tomorrow. 

Habit 4: Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal."
  • You should always think about win-win so that it feels reasonable for the task. Win-win is most of the time seen as being competitive instead of being seen as cooperative. Win-win can also mean agreements or solutions that are beneficial and satisfying. To be a win-win person you have to be both  nice and tough because there win be situations where your toughness has to come out and in others your nice one. to go for a win-win you have to have confidence and be very brave.
Habit 5: Seek First to understand, then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."

  • People form opinions based on their own experiences. Sometimes we are the ones who seek first because we want our points to get across. In a conversation with someone else we only listen  to what we want to listen to. We should learn to communicate effectively because it's one of many important skills in life. 

Habit 6: Synergize 
 "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"
  • People form opinions based on their own experiences. Sometimes we are the ones who seek first because we want our points to get across. In a conversation with someone else we only listen  to what we want to listen to. We should learn to communicate effectively because it's one of many important skills in life.    

Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
"The Four Dimension of self-Renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/ Emotional"

  • These four dimensions are important because when you overwork yourself after a while you become less productive. What sharpen the saw means with this is that you should take a break but not a vacation break. Take a break and read a book, exercise, organize your home or office, or set some new goals for yourself. This will help you physically, Mentally, Spiritually, and Social/Emotionally. It shouldn't always have to be about work sometimes you just need to get to know yourself a little more. 
I plan to use these 7 habits on my everyday life. I know that if I start using these habits on my everyday life right now I will succeed and become someone good in life. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Monday, October 24, 2016

Free Write
My Saturday was boring all I did was stay home and eat and watch movies all day. On Sunday I had 15 practice and I got home tired. Hopefully this week goes well and on Thursday we have student led conferences and then on Friday we have early dismissal so that's good.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

                  How to remember names
1. You can improve your ability to remember names if you commit yourself to remember peoples names.
2. You should also try to concentrate while talking to the person.
3. Repeating his name various times will engrave the name in your memory.
4. Associate with the person more often and eventually you'll remember who he is.

Friday, October 14, 2016

My week has been good so far but it's a little stressing because grades are due this week and I still have to turn in late work I have with me. I'm happy that tomorrow we don't have school because that means I get to finish all my late assignments and hopefully my grades go up a bit.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Six Ways to Make People Like you. If you want people to like you . . . . . . . . .

Rule 1: Become genuinely interested in other people.

1. "Do this and you will be welcomed anywhere" What this quote means is that if you do or act correctly somewhere doors will be opened for you and you will be welcomed anywhere because of your well behavior.

2. " You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you" What this quote means is that it's so easy to call people your friends , but it's way harder to call someone your friend for years.

3. "Ask questions to other people, questions that they would enjoy answering" This is saying that you should ask people questions they want to hear not something we enjoy hearing.

Rule 2: Smile
1. "Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, "I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you." This means that expressions mean more than a word because with expressions you let the person know how your feeling.

2. "You don't feel like smiling? Then force yourself to smile." This means That even though your feeling angry or etc, you should always have a smile.

3. "It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign (witness or indication) of friends."

Rule 3: Remember names
1. "A man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language ."
It is good when you meet new people and if you remember there names is even better because you don't have to call them by something else.

2. "If you don't remember names, you are headed for trouble."
Most people won't want to talk to you after you don't know them by there  name so remember names.

Rule 4: Be a good listener,Encourage others to talk about themselves.
1. "If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener."
This means to not only have a good conversation with someone but also listen to what they are talking to you about.

2. "Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his wants and his problems than he is in you and your problems."

Rule 5: Talk in terms of the man's interest.
"the royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most."

Rule 6: Make the other person feel important and do it sincerely
"The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature."Helping people feel important and appreciated work magic." Making other people important is really important. 

Final Reflection: These "Six ways" are very help when meeting new people because now you know how to approach someone new that you don't know but want to meet them. You will be able to make new friends with these six ways. With these six ways it will be easier and quicker to meet someone new. When meeting someone new you should remember that you first have to be interested in them and if you are then you should give them a smile. To make new friends you will need to remember names and be a good listener and try to make the other person talk to you about themselves so they feel a little more comfortable around you. You talk about things that interest both of you guys.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Free Lance post

Well my week has being good so far even though I have lots of homework and it's pretty stressful, but I won't be a failure and give up easily. Today I'm a little nervous because I have a test today for Mr. Solis and I didn't really study :(. My goal today after we come out of school is to go home and finish all the homework I have to turn in tomorrow. I'm very excited for Friday because it's a long weekend. What I plan on doing on my three day weekend is going out to the movies and see what cool new movies have came out. I might also go visit some of my family members in Fontana.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Free Lance Post
This week will be a very good week because today my day started off good and hopefully it goes like that through out the whole week. Today is my second day in the Best Buddies club and I'm very excited and really looking forward to work with the kids there. I have a really busy schedule through out the week and even though sometimes I might to tired to even want to finish my homework I still try to do it. Before I even realize it, it's Friday already and I get excited because on Friday nights I might order some pizza and just watch movies and then on Saturdays I go out with my family or friends. My weekend is very exciting and full of adventures.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

          "The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
John R. Noe

"The Six Attitudes of High Achievers"
High Achievers are people who are never satisfied with there achievements and want more. They are also people who live for the challenge and never admit defeat. In school a high achiever will be considered a student who gets high marks and really good grades. They are also very punctual with classwork/ Homework assignments and they do them well. High achievers are also very motivated.

1. Make no small plans ... 
2.Do what they fear ... People mostly tend to fear what they do not know, but what they fear they dislike. People may also know what they fear what they don't understand and the hate what they fear. Fear is a big scary thing people are scared of and it can also stop us from doing many things. All of us have fears and we have to learn to conquer them. You should go out there and be a fearless person, and not learn from someone else's fears. Fear may also stop us from accomplishing our goals, but you should never let that stop you. To achieve many of our fears we first have to overcome many obstacles life throws at us. Many people will overcome these obstacles and be fearless free, but then will be others that would still have fear to overcome obstacle that are throw at them. be aware of fear in your life, because before you can begin overcoming fear you first have to admit that you have it. You will also need to start off by putting things in perspective and put all your negative thoughts in perspective. You will also need to visualize yourself in a scary situation and that's how you will learn to be a fearless person.

3. Are willing to prepare... Preparing yourself is very important because when you prepare yourself you become better at things and have a better chance of doing them correctly. For school you can prepare yourself by bring all your homework to class finished and and always bring pencils and extra paper. You can also prepare yourself mentally and physically. Preparing yourself  before you have a game or a special speech is very good because that way everything will come out as how you wanted it to come out. 
4.  Are willing to risk Failure... not many people are willing to risk failure because they might have fear of being made fun of. Failure some of the time is the process from winning. People who are the ones willing to risk failure are the ones who'm most of the time end up being successful. We must also never let failure bring us down. We must also learn to fail in obstacles that are thrown at us because from our fails we will learn. We can also use our failure to win and improve. Being a failure isn't always a bad thing.
5. Are teachable... Being teachable is not only teaching others what to do but also teaching yourself. you can be a teachable person when you take advice from other people. We must also not be rude when people give us advice. By learning new things we can be teachable.

6. Have Heart... It always feels good when you help out someone and you notice you actually have a heart. Having a heart can sometimes be a good thing but then also kind of bad thing. It can be a good thing to have a heart because if anyone ever needs help you'll be there for them. It can also be a bad thing to have a heart because sometimes people can take advantage of that. You also have to have a really good heart to be good at something. To live longer you must keep your heart very healthy. We must also have a heart to want something really bad.

High achievers

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Ways to be 

              9 ways to be Happy and Make something of your life
Be Grateful

Being grateful is when someone is warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness of benefits received.You should always be grateful with life because today you woke up breathing with a heartbeat. Be grateful not only today but everyday because you get to see and spend time with your loved ones. Being grateful also means feeling or showing a appreciation act of kindness.Be grateful for what you have now. Be grateful for waking up every morning to knowing you have your parents alive. Be grateful that everyday is a new day and you can change your mistakes. Be grateful for the people you are surrounded by. Im grateful for having health. Im also grateful for waking up every morning and knowing I have my family with me. be garteful and appreciate the little things you also be grateful by helping out others. when your grateful you feel grate.

Be Smart

You shouldn't only be smart at school, but out in the streets, supermarkets, etc. It is good to be smart outside of school as well because that way people won't look at you as dumb person who doesn't know anything but also won't try to rob you. Inside school it is good you are smart because your supposed to be smart at school you can't just expect to act dumb and pass all your classes like that. Being smart is a very helpful tool in an everyday life use. For me a person who is smart is someone who is really bright and knows everything. Smart can be applied when making a smart decision or making business. Alos being smart is a tool we use in everyday life.

Be Involved in Good Works

A way you can be involved in good works is by helping your plant stay clean. Another way is by helping your community/ neighborhood out when they are in need. You can also be involved in good work by going to your church and helping them out with what ever they need. Being involved in good work makes you feel so good. In school you can be involved in good work by getting involved in activities such as school beautification, helping teachers in classroom etc. You can do good work by helping the people in need. When you are involved in these types of good works you are making other people feel happy. By doing good at the end of the day you may sometimes even get recognized by your good hard work. You can be involved in many different places. You can also do good by helping your parents out in whatever they need. it feels good to be involved in good work. By doing the good work you feel like a CTR person.

Be Clean

Not only should you be clean at home, but also wherever you go. When you are clean it makes you happy and you feel good. If you are not clean then you are a very dirty person. Washing your body daily and taking a bath makes you feel clean. Wash your face daily so you can have a clean face. Wash your hands often before you eat, after you eat, and after you touch something dirty. Another important thing is to wash your teeth at least twice a day or even three times just to be on the clean side and last but not least wash your hair daily so that it can be nice and shinny.Make sure your cloth is clean before you wear it. You should also maintain yourself clean by trimming your nails, shaving, or removing hair. You look clean when you are very organized like having your house tidy. You should also hang your cloth and fold them and put them in your closet or drawers. another important way to be clean is by eating healthy and drinking lots of water. you also stay clean by not using alcohol or using drugs. So remember stay clean and CTR.

Be True

Not only should you be true to yourself but also to the people you surround yourself next to. Stay true and cherish those people who love you no matter what. Be true and don't hate on those who stumble because we all do sometimes. Also be true and take responsibilities for your own life. Be true and have a big vision and keep your goals aligned with your vision. Stay true and don't worry to much about making mistakes. If you are true to yourself and happy with who you are being true to others about yourself should be natural and easy. Always speak how you feel and never be sorry for being real stay true. you can better yourself by not lying and always being true. As long as your always being true to yourself , you will always find happiness. Be true to your Family. Also be true to your country.
Be Positive 

You should always be a positive person because a positive person is always a happy person. If your a negative person then life won't be the same as if you were a positive person. Being positive at school will help you have a better chance of you getting good grades. Being positive at home will have you have better comunication with your family. Not only should you you be positve at school or home but anywhere your at always be positive. Be positve and set your goals and reach them. When your positive smile at everyone. Surround yourself with positve people not negative. Add value and positivitey to someone else's life. Stay positve by eating correctly and excersising daily. Start everyday a positve way. By being a positve person you should always start with yourself first. Beautiful things happen when youdistance your self from negativity. Always be positive no matter what becaus ewhen you think positve your positive.

Be Humble

It is important to stay humble all the time, even if your really good at something. We should treat others as equals and with respect. When we're not humble we can make others feel uncomfortable. It is good to be humble and simple rather than being egotistic. Humility is important because it can influence others positevely ass well. We can be humble about ourselves and everyone and everything that surround us. Be humble enough to know better that you aren't better than anyone else. Humble yourself and be grateful fro all the things you have. Be humble enough and go out and help others who are in need. Be humble but not arrogant.Being humble gives you time to let god lift you to greater and more amaxzing doors in life. Lastley but not least be humble and thank god for all that he has given you in life.

Be Still

what is the meaning of still? still means not moving or making any sound. Synonyms to this word will be motionless, unmoving, stock-still, immobile, inanimate, sattic or stationary. You can take a moment to be still in life and thank god for all that he has given you. Being still can be helpful at times because that way you don't destract others nor yourself. Also being still can be like organizing yourself and getting yourself on the right track.

Be Prayerful